University of Wroclaw (UWr) is a public University and one of the most significant research and education centres in Poland with over 1900 academic staff and over 26000 students. It is among the top research universities in Poland. It has world-class research teams and facilities both in the field of natural sciences and humanities: Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Astronomy, Natural Sciences, Law, Administration, Economy, Social Sciences, Historical and Pedagogical Sciences, Philology. The results of its research are published, patented, used in various studies and technical descriptions. In recent years, the University of Wroclaw has participated as a partner or coordinator in numerous international research and development projects within European and international research programmes, e.g. the Sixth and the Seventh Framework Programme (FP6 and FP7) of the European Commission, Horizon 2020, European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission - Justice Programme, European Commission - Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme, EC Programme LIFE+, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Polish-Norwegian Research Programme, Polish-German Foundation for Science, International Visegrad Fund, Rothschild Foundation, Stiftung Pressehaus NRZ, The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, ERA NET. The University of Wroclaw also participates actively in international educational projects (e.g. within ERASMUS+) as well as national research projects supported by national agencies and ventures financed from European Structural Funds. Research activities at the University of Wroclaw are supported by central administration offices, including Foreign Projects Office, International Relations Office, Division of Scientific Research, Human Resource Office, Internal Audit Office and Bursar’s Office.
Persons involved